AVK is present at the UN Water Conference in New York

Danish solutions are showcased at the UN Water Conference

Danish water competencies are presented within the walls of the UN headquarters these days, when the Global Water Conference is taking place in New York. An event that was last held 50 years ago, and where AVK and Danish Water Forum will be contributing. 23-03-2023

The importance of proper water management is finally gaining some traction, and hopefully, the conference will spark the necessary action that is needed:

“The UN 2023 Water Conference must result in a bold Water Action Agenda that gives our world's lifeblood the commitment it deserves.” - António Guterres, UN Secretary-General

The conference was – with proper timing - kicked off yesterday on World Water Day, and under the theme of Accelerating Change” it is emphasised that sustainable water management is completely essential for reaching the remaining development goals set out by the United Nations. The aim of the conference it to create and maintain the political momentum needed to combat the water challenges we are facing.

Danish cooperation with The World Bank

Both The World Bank and Danish Water Forum, where AVK is a member, had proposed a groundwater side event at the conference. Luckily, both were considered, and we were asked to do a joint side event. The event bears the title “The Hidden Wealth of Nations: Groundwater in Times of Climate Change”, and prominent speakers will be giving presentations including the Danish Minister for the Environment, Magnus Heunicke and the Director for The World Bank Group’s Water Global Practice.

From AVK, Michael Ramlau-Hansen landed in New York yesterday and has been looking forward to the joint effort with The World Bank:

“We are all very eager to convert our ideas and aspirations into action, and I am really looking forward to seeing what initiatives we can spark now that we have such an important partner as The World Bank”.
Michael Ramlau at the UN Water Conference in New York 2023
Danish Water Forum and AVK inside the walls of the UN building

Outside of the UN facilities, DI Vand (The Confederation of Danish Industry’s Water Division) and State of Green will be hosting a side event, where they will present their new visualisation of water infrastructure.

A girl and clean water flowing out the tap

Learn more

Water loss: How to cope with one of the most important resource issues

Water is a scarce resource. By adding inadequate distribution management, we are faced with a more invisible, yet crucial problem: water loss, also referred to as non-revenue water, or NRW.

Learn more about non-revenue water here, and get inspired by the many ways of managing a global resource problem.
Water in the World booklet, AVK


Water in the World - local and global challenges (PDF)

We need to help spread the word about the critical global water situation, and demand action.

Wastewater treatment factory under the sun

A tribute to a vital resource

World Water Day 2023: Accelerating Change 💧

World Water Day is here to remind us of our responsibility in handling water with respect and as efficient as possible.

Join us in celebrating this special day 💧