Water inpouring into glass

Happy World Water Day 2023!

World Water Day is here to remind us of our responsibility in handling water with respect and as efficient as possible. Join us in celebrating this special day 💧 22-03-2023

This year, the theme is about "Accelerating Change" to solve the water and sanitation crisis. And on that note, we want to celebrate all the important projects and initiatives that are done every day to optimise our ways of handling our most precious resource – Water!

Half a century of contribution

At AVK, we do our best in delivering the most optimal products and solutions to every project we take part in, and make sure that we keep our values of quality, innovation, reliability, sustainability and customer service in all steps throughout the chain.

And what better way to celebrate a joint effort towards change than to have a look inside the many efficient solutions that are planned and applied every day, all around us?

Watch our celebration video at the bottom of the page.

Water on the agenda at UN headquarters March 22-24

Access to safe water is actually a human right. This was recognised by the UN General Assembly back in 2010, but still, more than 2 billion people are living without safe water at their disposal. Luckily, there is an increasing focus on water’s importance among politicians and decision makers. Maybe because it is increasingly noticeable how much we are fighting over the sparse freshwater that must supply to agriculture, food production, industry, and as water supply to our fast growing world population?

2023 is an exceptional year for commitments regarding water and sanitation. Today also marks the kick-off of the 2023 Water Conference at UN's headquarters in New York, where governments and stakeholders from all over the world will be making voluntary commitments to accelerate progress towards our shared goal for water and sanitation.

The conference is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to unite the world around solving the world's water challenges - and of course, AVK is present to follow the development. Also, we are part of a side event along with Danish Water Forum and The World Bank, where we will give presentations on groundwater under the theme: “The Hidden Wealth of Nations: Groundwater in Times of Climate Change”. Stay tuned here on our website for updates from the exciting days in New York.

AVK celebrates World Water Day 2023


Happy World Water Day 2023!

This year, the theme is about accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis. And on that note, we want to celebrate all the important projects and initiatives that are done every day to bring us closer to a sustainable way of handling our most precious resource – Water!
Water in the World booklet, AVK


Water in the World - local and global challenges (PDF)

We need to help spread the word about the critical global water situation, and demand action.