Science Day at AVK on October 4-5

Local students visited AVK to hear about water management, valves, and career opportunities

55 students stopped by our headquarters for a day full of insights, learnings, and good fun. Thank you for visiting us! 05-10-2023

Once again, we decided to take part in the national campaign “Science Day”, and to host two days of career presentations, scavenger hunt and workshops. Therefore, we are also welcoming 60 students today.

Why choose a technical career?

The main focus on the days is water’s role in liveability, health and sustainability, as well as how sustainable water management can contribute to our common UN goals. Through career presentations by some of our AVK employees, the students are also given examples of how they are able to make an important difference in the world around them.

Therefore, naturally, the students had to meet some of our many skilled employees and get inspired from their daily work life and career background.

They had the pleasure of meeting Lars from our AVK Smart Water concept, who gave insights to his everyday work life with designing and promoting smart assents for water management. Here, they also got to see the products up close, experience how the Smart Water setup works in action, and learn about water’s journey from plant to end-user.

They also met Niels, one of our industrial technicians, who shared his journey from student to employee at AVK and gave insights to his daily life developing as well as hands-on manufacturing products.

Science Day at AVK on October 4-5
Workshop at girls day in science 2022
Brainstorming over sustainable water solutions

Getting to know our products and solutions

After the presentations, the students went for a scavenger hunt in our showroom full of AVK products. Before that, they had been given a short introduction to four of our key products, of which they should then identify the smallest and largest they were able to find. There were lots of great energy and, of course, a lot of good questions.

After lunch, the students got to work with some practical challenges, where they should come up with a feasible, sustainable solution in the form of either:

  • A safe water supply solution, that takes flooding, dry periods and pollution into account
  • A model that describes how to avoid pollution of lakes and rivers through wastewater discharge
  • A circular system that takes advantage of water’s natural journey through society

There was a lot of great discussion and brainstorming going on, and many good solutions to real-life issues were presented in groups. As an example, a reversed vacuum cleaner was proposed, as to collect evaporated water for reuse, instead of sending it up in the air and wait for it to return in 100 years.

A big thank you to all the students and teachers for your visit!

What is Science Day?

The campaign is a yearly event which aims to inspire more young people to choose an education in the field of science and technology. It is established by The House of Natural Sciences (Danish: Naturvidenskabernes Hus) which is a private, non-profit organization that bridges the gap between schools and companies and support teachers in the development of inspiring and application-oriented teaching.

Water in the World booklet, AVK


Water in the World - local and global challenges (PDF)

We need to help spread the word about the critical global water situation, and demand action.

Working at AVK


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