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From Aarhus Å to the Ayad River: inspiring green transition in India

An Indian delegation is visiting Denmark in connection with a collaboration between Aarhus Municipality, Aarhus Vand and the Indian city of Udaipur on safe, healthy and sustainable water management. Today, they are welcomed at our AVK headquarters in Galten. 11-08-2022

At our AVK Academy and Visitor Centre, the delegation will meet with representatives from State of Green, Grundfos, Ramboll, Kamstrup, SkyTEM, DHI, Larsen & Toubro and AVK Holding.

They will be introduced to the Danish Water Sector, the LEAKman (leakage management) project concept and benefits as well as a presentation from each of the participating companies. In the afternoon, they will visit the nearby drinking water facility and water treatment plant in Beder.

Exporting world-class solutions

Denmark’s water supply and wastewater handling is among the best in the world. Since 2016, Aarhus has been collaborating with the Indian city Udaipur around – among other subjects – clean drinking water, wastewater management and a holistic view on water management and urban development.

It is the hope that experiences and learnings of this collaboration should now be continued in the complete state of Rajasthan, where Udaipur is situated. The Mayor of Aarhus, Jacob Bundsgaard, is pleased to welcome the delegation, which also passed by the City Hall;

“In Aarhus, we have some unique competencies regarding water management that can inspire and create value elsewhere in the world. The collaboration with India is a good example of a strong partnership, where we contribute with knowledge and solutions that support sustainable global development, while creating the basis for exporting Danish water technology and creating green growth”.

In Udaipur, several projects have been initiated to develop the areas around the river Ayad River which runs through the city. The initiatives are based on knowledge and experiences from the way Aarhus Å is incorporated as a green and recreational element in the city.

Presentation by Michael Hansen at the AVK Visitor Centre
Pure ground water from the tap served at the AVK Visitor Centre in Denmark

Holistic approach to water management

The collaboration is part of the combined efforts by DI (the Confederation of Danish Industry), DI Water, water utilities, universities, research centres and production companies – including AVK – that has led to the creation of the water epicentre “Water Valley Denmark” here in Jutland, Denmark.

Therefore, Aarhus is the perfect show-and-tell example of how water can be sustainably managed:

"In Aarhus, we focus on a holistic approach to water management. This means that we continuously incorporate climate adaptation and recreational solutions into the development of the city, so that we can, for example, handle large amounts of rainwater and at the same time create beautiful green urban spaces for the benefit of people, animals and plants. The global climate crisis means that it is more important than ever that we work together across national borders and share our knowledge and experiences," says Steen Stavnsbo, Councillor for Technology and Environment in Aarhus.

While the delegation is here, they will also be introduced to Aarhus Vand A/S, Aarhus University, Marselisborg Wastewater Treatment Plant, Aarhus Å as well as Water Valley Denmark. And on Friday, the visit will be concluded with a meeting with Environment Minister Lea Wermelin.
A paper ship shaped from a water network map

What is Water Valley Denmark?

Learn about the new water epicentre in East Jutland, Denmark, where we combine our different strengths within water and wastewater management.

Water and health

Water in the World: local and global challenges

Continuous inaction has lead to massive issues with water and wastewater management across the globe. And how does the future look?

AVK valves using to minimize water loss

Water loss globally

40% of produced drinking water is lost before reaching the consumer

Non-revenue water (NRW) is basically produced, cleaned water which is lost somewhere in the water distribution system. This means water not used or paid for, affecting local economies as well as local resources available.

But why is water lost? And how can the issue be tackled?

In AVK we primarily focus on goal no. 6 in helping providing safe drinking water and decent sanitation for all.


What if waste is no longer considered waste?

What if, is no longer a relevant question….

It is possible to turn wastewater into renewable energy.