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AVK is part of the new Water Valley Denmark

A new water epicentre is taking form in Eastern Jutland, Denmark, where Water Valley Denmark – inspired by the American tech-cluster “Silicon Valley” – will gather all the strengths, knowledge and know-how in the area regarding efficient water management. 25-03-2021

Water Valley Denmark has several purposes. First of all, it aims to become the growth engine for unleashing the potential of the Danish water sector. Secondly, it supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and aims to create more jobs within the water sector. Lastly, it aims to meet the target of doubling exports from DKK 20 to 40 billion by 2030.

Water Valley Denmark was launched on World Water Day 2021, March 22nd.

AVK aims to be a socially responsible company that collaborates with other companies, authorities and organisations, knowledge centres and educational institutions to promote sustainable development. Within the field of water, we are part of several partnerships that aim to promote sustainable development in the water sector with a special focus on SDG 6 related to clean water and sanitation for all.

During the last two years, AVK has been part of the partnership ‘’The Danish Water Cluster’’, which aims to connect the Danish water sector across the industry by including water utilities, waste water companies, universities and consulting engineering companies and not least the private suppliers of components, which all work with water, wastewater and/or climate. The purpose of this partnership is to improve the standard of the Danish water supply as well as to strengthen the export of new sustainable solutions.

This new initiative, Water Valley Denmark, was launched on the 22nd of March and is an addition to The Danish Water Cluster. Together, these two initiatives will form a hub for water technology and innovation, which will be able to showcase and demonstrate what the Danish water supply is capable of and when possible, it will also be open to foreign visitors.

AVK is already contributing with SMART components, but we see great possibilities for further development and the possibility to test future products directly in the water supply network or in connection with wastewater management.

Read more about Water Valley Denmark in these two articles (Danish) in the paper Børsen here and here.
Water inpouring into glass


Visit Water Valley Denmark’s landing page at the website of the Confederation of Danish Industry

AVK upholding UN goals


Learn more about the many aspects of water and wastewater management in our Gain Knowledge Area.

AVK sustainability report for download


AVK Sustainability Report

Sustainable development has always been part of our DNA.


Demand-driven supply, quality water and optimum work conditions through automation

At Kasted water works outside of Aarhus, Denmark, a new facility has been established with the purpose of securing a future-safe water supply for the area.