Testing valves for hydrogen

AVK valves for Power-to-X applications

Green energy plays an important role in the future energy mix, and with the progress of power-to-x technologies, hydrogen will increasingly be used as energy source. Therefore, we have tested whether our gas valves are able to withstand the long-term effects of hydrogen.

Transportation of hydrogen using the existing gas networks

The term "power-to-x" covers the process of transforming green energy into something else - for instance hydrogen - that can be stored and used directly as a source of energy or processed to be used as fuel.

As we already have existing gas distribution networks, it would obviously make sense to use these to transport the hydrogen. But is this possible without any risk of damage on gas installations, equipment, infrastructure etc.?

In several countries throughout the world, the distribution network is being tested for transportation of gas with different concentrations of hydrogen; in some places even up to 100%. But there are challenges that have to be considered:

”Over time, hydrogen will diffuse into the metal of e.g. a valve. As a result, hydrogen embrittlement can occur, which can cause cracks in steel materials. As hydrogen is a very small molecule, it is also important to ensure tightness and leakages. Worst case scenario is an explosion in the gas pipeline or the power-to-x plant.” – FORCE Technology

Green transition and Power-to-X are two important elements in the future energy supply, and as valves are a part of the gas network, it is important that our products can handle the transportation of e.g. hydrogen.

FORCE Technology - test of AVK valves for hydrogen
FORCE Technology - test of AVK valves for hydrogen container

Developing a specialised hydrogen test for valves

The power-to-x technologies are still rather new, and therefore there are no standards regarding the area. Most manufacturers of valves will follow the ASME B31.12 standard for hydrogen in distribution networks, but there are no specific standards for tests of valves that are to be used for hydrogen.

Therefore, in collaboration with FORCE Technology, AVK International A/S have developed special tests to simulate the long-term effects of hydrogen. FORCE Technology has specialised knowledge within this field, and they have access to test facilities established in cooperation with Danish Gas Technology Centre (DGC). It requires a lot of safety precautions to perform tests with hydrogen, as it is a very combustible gas, and additionally, the valves have to be tested under pressure.

Two tests were developed: a functionality test that simulates the full lifetime and a burst test that exposes the valves for increased pressure until they burst.

Our valves are safe to use for hydrogen purposes 

Test results show that AVK valves can withstand the long-term effects of hydrogen, and can therefore be used as components in the gas networks used for transportation.

AVK is the first company in Denmark to test valves for the purpose. By being first-movers, we will have a great advantage when it comes to serving our customers and their needs in their green transition and in their interest for the fast-growing power-to-x technologies.
Power-to-X test of gas valves with hydrogen, thumbnail


Testing AVK gas valves for hydrogen

Green energy plays an important role in the future energy supply and with the progress of Power-to-X technologies, hydrogen will play a significant role as an energy source. Therefore, we have tested that our gas valves can withstand the long-lasting effects of hydrogen.
Wastewater treatment factory under the sun

Learn more

Power-to-x: The concept of storing, converting and reviving power

You might as well get used to the expression "power-to-x", as it will be one of the buzzwords that pops up in future discussions about green power, green fuels and greenhouse gas.

Learn more about the concept here.