AVK and climate change

How can AVK products contribute in taking care of our planet and climate?

As our climate changes, we adjust and find new ways of living and developing. These adaptations leave impacts on our planet, and in the end trigger further changes in our climate. Learn how these adjustments can be done in careful, sustainable ways.

The UN estimates that by the year 2030, up to 700 million people will move because of water. Either away from too much water, or because of water shortage. This will put a significant strain on existing water infrastructure; water systems which may already be stressed must supply to even more consumers, and if water resources are already scarce, the challenge is even greater.

Since the UN General Assembly defined the 17 goals of sustainable development back in 2015, sustainability, circular economy and the green transition have become a recurring point on the international agenda. Recently, the Danish government passed a bill which places the country under an obligation to reduce CO2 emission by 70% by the end of 2030. Some would shake their head and claim that a country as small as Denmark cannot make a global difference when the contribution to the global emission of greenhouses gases constitute a meagre 0,11%. But that is not the point. The point is to make green solutions, facilities and systems which create jobs, are exportable, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

So where can we contribute to a reduction of greenhouse gases?

Control water losses, and avoid unnecessary energy consumption
Water loss leads to an unnecessary consumption of energy. Energy consumption depends directly on the amount of water that must be pumped. In other words, the less leakage the less energy you will need. Leakage translates directly into additional energy consumption. The International Energy Agency has calculated that an average municipality will spend 30-50% of their energy bill on handling the water supply and wastewater. In other words, the potential savings from optimisation of the water supply are huge.

Mainly, AVK can contribute to a supply system run by modern principles where the distribution pipe network is divided into smaller zones, so-called DMA’s (District Metered Areas) and where gate valves play a crucial role. Each DMA must be sealed in such a way that no water can flow from one DMA to another. Each DMA has one or maximum two defined inlet in the shape of a well with a water meter. This way you can keep track of the amount of water entering each DMA.

When you compare this amount to the amount consumed, you have an indication of the amount of leakage. If much more water enters the DMA than what is ultimately consumed, it is indicative of leaks and water loss. If the difference is caused by water flowing through a leaking valve to its neighbouring DMA, the water is not actually lost. It is therefore crucial to be able to trust one’s own data and components in the distribution network, including the valves. If you want to be in control, you must know what is going on. And if valves do not seal properly, you cannot know. Find a step-by-step guide to gain control of water system activities here.

Further, we can contribute with products that handle wastewater. From the household, wastewater flows using gravity to the nearest pumping station and from here it is pumped to the wastewater treatment plant. The check valves, whose function is to prevent backflow, must be properly sealed; otherwise the wastewater has to be pumped once again if it flows back to where it came from. 

At the wastewater treatment plant, we supply shut-off valves that are reliable, easy to maintain and fit for purpose. If you want to go trendy and transform your wastewater treatment plant to an energy producing plant, you will need to set up a digesting tank, gas tank, and either a gas engine power plant or a boiler plant in order to transform the biogas to energy. You will also need valves, and sturdy, functional, long lasting valves are the backbone of your plant.

If we are to continue working on reducing global CO2 emission, it is crucial that we start linking sectors to make different utilities work together. When traditionally produced energy should be transitioned into renewable sources of energy like sun and wind, it is imperative to consider how society should be supplied with energy when the sun is not shining and the wind is not blowing. The solution is to store excess energy in e.g. the natural gas grid. Excess power can produce hydrogen in a pyrolysis plant which enables the hydrogen to be stored in the natural gas grid. The hydrogen can also be included in the Carbon Capture installations retaining CO2 in fuel gas and turn it to methane which in turn can help produce energy. And all these processes need valves.

Illustration of power generation and usage

The above illustration is from energinet.dk and the report “Power to X can help Denmark reach the 2030 goal and long-term climate neutrality”. To adapt the drawing to AVK, the wind turbine would have to be accompanied by a wastewater treatment plant. Learn more about the concept of Power-to-X here.

As far as industry is concerned, we have built up a strong and solid cooperation with companies that supply marine exhaust gas treatment plants. Marine engines are large and heavy machines that work at a slow pace and with large volumes. Cylinder diameters of a meter or more are not unusual. These engines run smoothly on heavy fuel oil which usually contains up to 80% carbon, sulphur and heavy metals. The exhaust gas of such engines must be cleaned to comply with the regulations for heavy ocean traffic. See a description of how this works on ships in the fact box below.

Climate change affects the water infrastructure of a community directly, whether because of too much or too little water. Too much water causes floods which may ruin the water supply and overflow the sewers causing rain water and wastewater to spill into streets and into Nature. It is therefore crucial to focus on handling the future extreme rain responsibly and safely. Large penstocks and dampers can assist in this task and so help control the waters and direct them to where they cause the least or no damage.

AVK has the products and skills to help fight climate changes.
AVK and climate change

How a scrubber cleans exhaust gas from ships:

The exhaust gas, NOx reduction, process begins by injecting urea solution (33% or 40%) before the SCR reactor into the gas flow with proprietary self-cleaning urea spray nozzles.
The gas and reagent mix passes through a variable number of catalyst layers, as it is appropriate for the required emission level.

Image for marine

Exhaust Gas Purification

The focus on environmental impact from maritime transportation is increasing every year and is also high on political agenda.
Learn about how AVK makes a key contribution to this important area.

clean water and glass

Gain knowledge about

Water loss: How to cope with one of the most important resource issues

Water is a scarce resource. By adding inadequate distribution management, we are faced with a more invisible, yet crucial problem: water loss, also referred to as non-revenue water, or NRW.

Learn more about non-revenue water here, and get inspired by the many ways of managing a global resource problem.

Waste to energy

Cost-effective, eco-friendly centralisation project at Danish wastewater plant

With help from AVK, Mariagerfjord wastewater plant has been able to expand its capacity, cut costs and significantly reduce their environmental impact.
Wastewater treatment factory under the sun

Wastewater as a resource

What if waste is no longer considered waste?

What if, is no longer a relevant question….

It is possible to turn wastewater into renewable energy.