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AVK supports the lyrical Prince Henrik Prize

We can proudly announce that AVK Holding is sponsoring the Prince Henrik Prize, which will be Denmark's biggest literary award. 30-05-2022

While some might refer to lyrical poetry as a "narrow" field within literature, it is still an important corner stone in Danish culture and history; something that we want to help protect and uphold. Therefore, we are proud to celebrate and support.

The prize is given as a token of honour to a contemporary and well-established poet, who with his/her work has provided a substantial contribution to Danish lyrical poetry. The prize is sponsored by AVK Holding, and the bronze statue of Prince Henrik’s “Fabeldyr” (mythical creature) is donated by the Royal Family. The award is a cooperation between the Danske Skønlitterære Forfattere (Danish Fiction Writers) and Dansk Forfatterforening (Danish Writers' Association).

Peter Adolphsen, spokesperson for Dansk Skønlitterære Forfattere, is excited about this new award:

»It is fantastic that the Royal Family and AVK Holding have supported this award as whole-hearted as they have. Lyrical poetry is a corner stone in Danish history and culture. A nation with respect for itself should have a prestigious award to honour poetry, and Denmark has this now«


Congratulations to award-winner Klaus Høeck

Klaus Høeck was granted this year's award by an independent jury appointed by Danske Skønlitterære Forfattere and Dansk Forfatterforening. Over a period of 55 years, Høeck has established his position as an important contributor to Danish literature through a long line of unique collections of poets.

The prize was handed over by Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II at a reception in connection with the Prince's birthday 11th June 2022.

Klaus Hoeck receives the lyrical Prince Henrik Prize 2022
Prins Henrik Prisen 2022 sponsored by AVK


Klaus Høeck receives the The Prince Henrik Prize 2022

Read the press release by Danmarks Forfatterforening (Danish)
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