Kids playing by a water hydrant with clean and safe water

AVK supports important fund-raising event for children affected by the pandemic

At AVK, we join forces with the whole of Denmark to help the children of the pandemic at the yearly national fund-raising event "Danmarks Indsamling" on Saturday 29 January 2022. 18-01-2022

Since 2014, Danmarks Indsamling has been helping all the countries that appear on the OECD's list of the world's poorest countries. Here, humanitarian organizations work to ensure basic human rights such as access to clean water, education, and medical care.

Once a year, 12 humanitarian organisations and DR TV (Denmark's largest broadcasting company) come together to help people in some of the world's poorest countries achieve the UN's World Goals. There are 17 goals, all of which contribute to the sustainable development of the world and which governments, companies, interest groups and private individuals help to achieve.

Safety starts with access to clean water
The theme for this year's Danmarks Indsamling is "Help the children of the Covid pandemic". By establishing a secure water supply to schools, hygiene can be significantly increased. Soap is not very useful without water, so in addition to protecting children from Covid-19, they are also protected against other diseases, because of poorly contaminated water. Water creates life, and pure water preserves life. Children must go to school, and children must take an education that can help to put even more focus on the importance of a proper water infrastructure, because just as it is vital to have a safe, sustainable water supply, it is just as necessary to have a safe handling of the wastewater.

The pandemic has divided the world in two. In our part of the world, we have slowly returned to a safe everyday life. But in many of the world's poorest countries, the pandemic is still out of control. Where the need was great before, it is now extreme. The consequences affect everyone, but it is often the children who are hit the hardest.
With development projects in 14 countries, Danmarks Indsamling gives the children a fresh start, with new hope and new opportunities, with help where the need is greatest. To ensure that children have access to clean drinking water; and that they receive education and protection; that there is a doctor who can help and an adult who can give them the care they need.

We do it because we are a small country with a big heart. We are doing it now because the children of the pandemic are in dire need of our help. And we do it together because no one can do it alone. Read and learn more about this year's Danmarks Indsamling here (Danish website).

Reducing water loss levels is a key priority
At AVK, we are dedicated to sharing our knowledge, and to expanding our reach by cooperating with other key players within the water business.

Though most of our products are hidden from sight, they play an important role in managing the most precious resources on earth – fresh water. Functional and operational valves are the backbone in any water distribution system. Saving on quality can ultimately come with a very high price. A cost that far exceeds the investment at any time. Tomorrow - and 50 years from now - our solutions must perform flawlessly and effortlessly every time. When they do, it means that fewer leaks and breaches occur, and it is easy to close off and repair a network if necessary. This means thousands and thousands saved on maintenance, lost water, and electricity.

Among the UN goals, AVK contributes to especially goal no. 6, which is related to access to clean water and sanitation, as well as goal no. 9 regarding sustainable infrastructure, industry, and innovation.

“Access to water, sanitation and hygiene is a human right, yet billions are still faced with daily challenges accessing even the most basic of services. Access to clean water is often taken for granted, just like the fresh air we breathe. We forget that clean water is a product, and that producing enough is a comprehensive, detailed process” - Niels Aage Kjær, CEO, the AVK Group.


In 2030, half of the world’s population will lack access to clean water based on UN prognosis. Globally, countless water supply networks are in such poor condition that about 40% of all distributed water worldwide is simply lost in transportation. Reducing water losses and non-revenue water levels are key priorities for AVK.

"Danmarks Indsamling is a unique opportunity for us to come together for a common goal - to help the children of the Covid 19 pandemic." - Niels Aage Kjær, CEO, the AVK Group.

AVK supporting the Danmarks Indsamling


Learn more about the fund-raising event here on the official website (Danish website)

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AVK products used in Africa

Step-by-step guide

How to minimise water losses and obtain efficient water management

Water is a scarce resource. By adding inadequate distribution management, we are faced with a more invisible, yet crucial problem: water loss, also referred to as non-revenue water, or NRW.

Want to learn more about how to handle a global resource problem?
Water in the World booklet, AVK


Water in the World - local and global challenges (PDF)

We need to help spread the word about the critical global water situation, and demand action.