Danish export initiatives

Export initiatives to boost economies and global green transition

On the 5th of November, the Danish government published an ambitious export strategy for water technology. A long-anticipated move that is expected to double the export (to 40 billion DKK) by 2030. 15-11-2021

The Danish water industry has long anticipated strengthened export efforts, not only for the benefit of national exporters, but equally as part of a desire to support our UN goals; especially in providing proper water for more people, and to get more foreign governments to see the possibilities in wastewater treatment and utilisation.

The export strategy must also be seen in the context of the challenges of complying with the EU's revised Drinking Water Directive, which talks about water waste, healthy drinking water for all and about having a risk assessment carried out on water infrastructure, which is, of course, rightfully part of a sustainable infrastructure. Water is one of the most important things we have, because without water, whole communities are falling apart.

Engaging local action through aid packages

At the same time, there is talk of getting Europe restarted after Covid-19 with the help of various aid packages. The EU has thus released €750 billion for this reboot, and the funds are earmarked for green transition initiatives only. Making Europe's water infrastructure sustainable is indeed necessary when considering green transition. Therefore, the new Danish export strategy for water focuses on the EU countries that face the greatest challenges, and therefore also receive a big share of the restart funds, officially referred to as REACT-funds.

In addition to the EU, the export strategy also focuses on the US and India, and thereby supports already ongoing activities. In India, the Indian and Danish governments have reached an agreement - the “Green Deal” - to support India's green transition. In the United States, the 5-years-and-counting WTA alliance (Water Technology Alliance) is extended and strengthened in cooperation with California and Texas.

Appointed water specialists at the Danish embassies

The Danish government has set aside 60 million DKK to carry out the export strategy, including to establish and strengthen appointed "water specialists" in the selected markets. The specialists will be located at the respective Danish embassies, and resources have been allocated to make sure foreign delegations can visit Denmark and learn about our sustainable water solutions.

In this connection, funds have also been set aside to establish a lighthouse project, which will be carried out within the newly established Water Valley Denmark in East Jutland.

Wastewater treatment factory under the sun

Learn more about

The revised EU Water Directive

The European Drinking Water Directive from 1998 has been revised.

Danish lobbyists have had a major impact on the directive which to some extent now follows Danish legislation and Danish guidelines.

The new directive bears the name: Right2Water. Learn more here.


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