LEGO illustration of a smart and livable city

Want to seriously upgrade your water management skills?

Sign up for this year's Advanced Water Cycle Management course, and get wiser on how to turn the most valuable resource on earth into a smart, sustainable business

What, when, and where?

Converting to 5 ECTS, the overall course content is a mix of guiding theory and semi-practical tasks. It is designed to upgrade your water management skills and to provide you with substantial knowledge of water resource management, water distribution and wastewater handling including resource recovery.



(First round of applications will open in January 2025)


The ideas behind: No more "business as usual"

Water is a scarce resource in many places, also in highly developed countries. According to WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development), over 60% of European cities with more than 100,000 people do not have sustainable ground water management. This will lead to a substantial water crisis somewhere in the near future. Cities like Jakarta and Mexico City are sinking every year due to over-exploitation of ground water resources, and more cities will follow.

By combining UN SDG #6: “Clean water and sanitation for all” and #4: “Quality Education”, we aim at a more sustainable water infrastructure; both in terms of the water circle through society, but also in terms of the energy circle and how to efficiently use our available resources. Cleaned water should be put back into the ground by establishing constructed wetlands, and energy should come from the wastewater treatment plant. The International Energy Agency has calculated that 30–50% of a municipality’s energy bill comes from water- and wastewater handling. With today's technology, it is possible to turn the treatment plant into a net energy provider, also supplying the water distribution - and as a side effect, the municipality can save up to 40% on the energy bill.

Get inspired by the three articles below, giving insights to the main topics of the course:

This holistic way of thinking is what our water summer school is all about. The course has been created together with like-minded institutions and businesses, including:

Aarhus University Centre for Water Technology (WATEC), Grundfos, Kamstrup, DHI, Skanderborg Forsyningsvirksomhed A/S, NIRAS, Aarhus University School of Engineering, Water Valley Denmark, I-GIS and Aarhus Vand. All of these will take part in the intensive, two-week tuition, contributing with their particular area of expertise.

A complete course package

There is one combined fee including course, food and accommodation all depending on the participant level and origin. Learn more about fees and registration at AU's website below.

Participants for Advanced Water Cycle Management in class

Where do I sign up?

Follow the link to the Aarhus University / WATEC page, and find application forms, requirements lists and all the practical information you'll need. See you in Aarhus!

A paper ship shaped from a water network map

Learn more about water

Inadequate water distribution management leaves us with high water losses, also referred to as non-revenue water. Learn more about efficient management here.

Advanced Water Cycle Management Course of 2024 visiting the AVK Academy and Visitor Centre


Congratulations to the water graduates of 2024!

In August, a large group of young people checked in at Låsby Kro, ready to spend two weeks getting wiser on how global water resources can be efficiently managed.

Water Summer School image


Introduction: Water Summer School

Want to hear about the last water course in Låsby?

Get the full picture from a former participant's perspective.