AVK Smart Water and NB IoT

The AVK Smart Water Philosophy: Provide accessible and reliable data

It is our purpose to give water utilities the best circumstances to operate their distribution network. We do that by making it easier to collect valuable data from the network and deliver it in a way that suits the individual utilities’ needs.

Ensure connectivity and data with NB-IoT and API

First, it is crucial to have good connectivity to be able to provide high quality data derived from particularly hard-to-reach areas. By using the best communication technology available, AVK ensures reliable and available data in a way that makes the sensors easier to deploy and operate. 

We use NB-IoT as the preferred communication technology because it is ideal for retrieving quality data from areas such as the water distribution network. The reason why it is ideal is because it can penetrate enclosed spaces such as wells, chambers, and other underground structures, but also because it uses the existing 4G infrastructure to communicate – the same as our smartphones. That way, it becomes much easier for utilities to deploy products without having to think about building a network to ensure data transmission.

If you want to know more about NB-IoT click here

Secondly, AVK delivers data in a way that suits the individual utilities’ needs. The market is already familiar with solutions that require utilities to adopt a full package with sensors and a platform. Today, many water utilities already have IT systems that control and operate the distribution network. Therefore, most of them prefer to integrate new data sources into existing systems to maintain a complete overview and combine data from different vendors. 

That is why, AVK believe the best solution is to offer an extensive range of digital and wireless sensors that deliver reliable data from the distribution network directly into the utilities’ preferred IT system. We call it “API First” as our solution makes data from sensors available through an API that enables other companies to access data easily (with permission) and integrate them into the utilities’ system

What does the AVK Smart Water offer include?

The AVK Smart Water portfolio offers a network of digital, wireless sensors that automatically and reliably monitor conditions in the water distribution network. We provide data in an easy and accessible way through an API that makes it easy to integrate data into a preferred IT system, but we also offer a range of software solutions for visualisation and analysis. The sensors are sold as a one-time unit fee with a monthly data subscription.

Read more about the AVK Smart Water portfolio here


Verdo X AVK: How to improve network management with pressure sensors

“By monitoring pressure at every zone or residential area, we can check directly in our system whether the pressure level has changed or not. That way, we can advise our customers more accurately. Moreover, we can save precious time and energy with this data right at hand," says Thomas Grønning, Head of Distribution at Verdo.
VIDI Positioner T key for open or close indication


VIDI Positioner for gate valves

AVK Smart Water introduces VIDI Positioner for gate valves.

Smart position indicators for gate valves can give water utilities valuable insights into the use of valves by remotely monitoring the status of open, close, or any percentages in between. Based on the provided information, water utilities can optimise the operation of the water distribution network, extend the lifetime of assets, and perform efficient non-revenue water reduction.

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