Regeneration site with AVK gas valves


Gas holder site regeneration project assures optimum efficiency and security

AVK UK supply large diameter gas valves for London regeneration project, set out to meet the long-term demands for the Fulham area.

AVK UK Limited has been awarded a contract by National Grid and Elster to supply in total 15, large diameter gas valves for the ‘Fulham Gas Holder Site Regeneration Project.’ With an approximate value of £250k, the valves are a mixture of 24" and 36" and works on the site renovation began in the summer of 2016 and are due for completion in the summer of 2017.

The disused gas holder site is located in Sands End and falls within the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham’s South Fulham Riverside Regeneration Area. The gas holders are located between Imperial Road, Michael Road, Gwyn Close and the London Overground rail line at the rear of the site.

Landowner National Grid was granted planning permission by the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham in November 2014 to dismantle five of the six gas holders at Imperial Road, Fulham.

By removing the gas holders, National Grid will make way for the long-term regeneration of the site. The 4 Grade II listed buildings on the site, including gas holder No. 2 – the world’s oldest gas holder – will be preserved and incorporated into a new outline master plan for the site.

This plan will set out a long-term vision for the redevelopment of the site with new homes, shops, offices and public spaces.
The dismantling works are an important first step towards regenerating the site and delivering an exciting future for the Imperial Road area, in the heart of Fulham. Alan Bite, AVK UK Limited, Product Manager, said, "We are delighted to have been awarded this supply contract for the ‘Fulham Gas Holder Site Regeneration Project,’ it is an important step in the London Regeneration program. We have already successfully supported National Grid on the ‘Battersea Gas Holder Project’ and will continue to work closely together on further London regeneration gas holder schemes".
Fulham gas regeneration project applied AVK products

As part of the solution the AVK Donkin engineering design team based in Chesterfield, worked closely with National Grid and Elster to ensure that the design was a resilient one that would ensure the longevity of the project.
Alan continued, "The first key challenge for us was to ensure that the valves could seal bidirectionally for this project. This is because uniquely, testing and operational flow is in opposite directions, thus requiring a 100 % gas tight seal in both. The AVK team succeeded in redesigning the valves to achieve this. The second challenge was to make the valves suitable to be fitted in either vertical or horizontal orientations; also at varying installation depths. The AVK design solution to this challenge was to supply rollers to support the valve doors, and also bevel gear boxes where appropriate". 

Through collaboration between AVK and the project delivery team, a fully sustainable solution was provided for this prestigious project. For further details on this scheme or if you need advice on project, please contact Alan Bite, AVK UK Limited.

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